
Flood water enters hundreds of houses in Panapur

Raftaar Desk - P2

Chapra,18 June (H.S.).Incessant rains for the last seven days coupled with release of water from Balmiki Nagar barrage is causing havoc and flood water have entered hundreds of houses under Panapur block in Saran. Villages along Saran embankment which are on low land are worst hit and people are leaving with baggage for safer places. Standing crops over hundreds of acres have also been washed away. Three feet water is flowing over the road connecting Saran embankment to Rampur Rudra village and the approach road to village has been innundated.. Strong current of Gandak is devouring the fields of crops. Villagers told that if erosion continues like this, it would endanger Saran embankment also. Officials of flood control department told that presently there was no threat to embankment. Hindusthan Samachar/Rakesh K. Singh